Dorado Derby

Dorado Derby 2022

The Dorado Derby is a one-day team event with top-team honors going to the team that weighs the single heaviest Dorado during the tournament. Prizes pay down to Third place. The tournament will award cash, and prizes to the 3 teams that weigh the single heaviest Dorados.

Junior Angler (16 years-old or under) Award*: Top Junior Angler weighing the single heaviest Dorado will receive an award.

Female Angler Award*: Top Female Angler weighing the single heaviest Dorado will receive an award.

First Time Angler Award*: Top First Time Angler weighing the single heaviest Dorado will receive an award.

*Junior, Female and First-Time Anglers must identify and declare themselves at registration to qualify and agree to use the designated color bands on their fish.

Team Entry Fee (Mandatory) $300.00


JACKPOT Categories (All Optional)


Closest to 20 lbs. $100.00
Closest to 25 lbs. $100.00
Closest to 30 lbs. $100.00
Heaviest 2 Dorado Jackpot (Total Weight) $100.00
Heaviest Dorado Charity* Jackpot 50/50 $300.00
Heaviest Dorado Jackpot  $500 Level $500.00
Heaviest Dorado Jackpot $1000 Level $1,000.00
Total (All In) $2,500.00


The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Final Registration
If assistance is required contact WhatsApp 2774-9006 for an appointment time.
7:00 pm
Live / Virtual Captain's Meeting
Questions: WhatsApp 2774-9006


5:30 am
Registration desk open for check out
6:45 pm
Boats line up for 7:00 am shot gun start
Please check out before leaving
7:00 am
Lines in
3:30 pm
Lines out
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Weigh Station opens
6:00 pm
All teams must be checked in
7:30 pm


Nov 12 2022


All Day


Marina Pez Vela


Marina Pez Vela