Rooster Rodeo

Rooster Rodeo 2024

The Rooster Rodeo is a one-day team event with top-team honors going to the team that accumulates the most Roosterfish release points during the tournament. The tournament will award  cash and prizes to the team with the most video documented release points.  (Minimum length 18 inches)


General Entry (mandatory) $300.00
Release Points Jackpot (optional) $100.00
Largest Roosterfish Jackpot (optional) $100.00
Total (All In) $500.00


Entry Fee

The Team registration fee is $300.00 with the Team consisting of 1 to 5 anglers.  This basic registration fee covers the participation of the registered anglers. The angler fee does not cover the daily boat charter expense. Charter boats are available for hire through the tournament office.

A final registration will take place from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. February 2nd, 2024, at MARINA PEZ VELA. All anglers and boat captains must attend the scheduled angler virtual captains meeting at 6:30 p.m. Anglers that are pre-registered and anglers needing to register must send at least one representative to obtain tournament credentials. Anglers, captains and mates are obligated to accept and be bound by all the rules and instruction changes announced during this meeting. 


Rooster Release (min 18”)  50 points each
Bonus Points: (over 24”) 50 points added
Bonus Points: (over 36”) 50 points added


A rooster release is worth 50 points

If the rooster clearly measures over the 24” line on the official tournament ruler, an additional 50 points will be added, thus scoring the team a total of 100 points for that rooster release.

If the rooster clearly measures over the 36″ line on the official tournament ruler, the +24″ 50 points will be added and the +36″ 50 point bonus will be added, thus scoring the team a total of 150 points for that rooster release.

In addition, the tournament will recognize a series of additional categories and winners, including:

Junior Angler (16 years-old or under) Award*: Top Junior Angler with the highest Roosterfish Release points will receive a recognition award.

Lady Angler Award*: Top Lady Angler with the highest Roosterfish Release points will receive a recognition award.

First Time Angler Award*: First Time Angler with the highest Roosterfish Release points will receive a recognition award.


Tagging Award

A recognition award will be provided to the team that correctly tags the most Rooster Fish over 18” during the tournament for Gray Fish tag Research.

The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Final Registration
6:30 PM
Virtual / Live Captain’s meeting
Information will be provided at registration


5:30 am
Registration desk open for check out
6:00 am
Boats are permitted to leave the marina
Make sure you check out with Tournament desk
7:00 am
Lines in
3:00 pm
Lines out
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Video check in
6:00 pm
All teams must be checked in
7:00 pm


Feb 03 2024


All Day




Marina Pez Vela


Marina Pez Vela