Sailfish Slam

Sailfish Slam 2024

*A FunTournament*

With 10 Entries Tournament will become an OWC Qualifying EVENT



The Tournament is a 1 (one) day Sailfish team event with top-team honors going to the team that tallies the most Sailfish release points during the tournament. The tournament will award Cash, and prizes to the “team” that scores the most accumulated points for sailfish releases.  Prizes pay down to Third Place.

In addition, the tournament will recognize a series of additional categories and winners, including:

Junior Angler (16 years-old or under) Award*: Top Junior Angler with the most Sailfish Release points will receive a recognition award.

Lady Angler Award*: Top Lady Angler with the most Sailfish Release points will receive a recognition award.

First Time Angler Award*: First Time Angler with the most Sailfish Release points will receive a recognition award. 

*An angler may only compete in one of the three categories listed above and must declare their category upon registration.

*First Time Angler refers to an angler who has never caught or reeled in a sailfish prior to their participation in this tournament.


There are no boat size limitations.  




Sailfish **200 points


Entry Fee


The Team registration fee is $300.00 with the Team consisting of 1 to 6 anglers. This basic registration fee covers the participation of the registered anglers. The angler fee does not cover any daily boat charter expense. Charter boats are available for hire through the tournament office.


General Entry (mandatory) $300.00
First Qualified Sailfish Released Jackpot (Optional) $100.00
50th Qualified Sailfish Released Jackpot (Optional) $100.00
Total (All In) $500.00


Additional Optional Jackpots


Boats Under 36’ Sailfish Points Jackpot (Optional) $500.00
Boats Over 36’ Sailfish Points Jackpot (Optional) $1.500.00
Marlin Release Jackpot (Optional) (time is tie breaker) $500.00

The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule


3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Final Registration
All on line if possible. If assistance is required contact WhatsApp 2774-9006 for an appointment time.
7:00 pm
Angler & Captain’s meeting
Questions: WhatsApp 2774-9006


5:30 am
Registration desk open for check out
Daily check-out and check-in required.
6:00 am
Boats are permitted to leave the marina
Must be checked out with Tournament Team
7:30 am
Lines in
3:30 pm
Lines out
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Video check in
6:00 pm
All boats must be checked in
Unless there is a documented hookup prior to lines out.
7:00 pm


Mar 09 2024


All Day




Marina Pez Vela


Marina Pez Vela